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The First National Environmental Education Awards Planning and Implementation

The project has accomplished the works regarding the reviewing of candidates for the first National Environmental Education Awards and the presenting of the awards to the selected winners according to the “National Environmental Education Awards Guidelines”. Winners with outstanding performance were selected from schools, government departments (agencies), private enterprises, communities, non-government organizations (NGOs), and individuals to encourage utmost exertion of environmental resources from private sectors as well as to promote citizen participation with the awards that praise participants’ contribution to the promotion of environmental education. The project work included the establishment and printing of the winner selection guidelines, together with the candidate registration forms and the guidelines to fill out the forms, as well as to build and maintain the National Environmental Education Awards website, to design and produce the trophy of awards, to carry out all review meetings and on-site visits, and to hold the awards ceremony. The project also made photographed publication of the awarded stories, and held two sessions of press conference to promote the activity and its achievements.
environmental education, schools, government departments(agencies), private enterprises, non-government organizations (NGOs), communities, and individuals, praise